Welcome to The Breed Archive (TBA) community, a place for animal lovers, breed enthusiasts and pedigree addicts.
We believe in the power of people's passion for their pets and their dedication to their favourite breed. The Breed Archive offers you the platform for your breed's history and future, bringing together breed enthusiasts from all over the world.
Our rules and guidelines will help you and others enjoy The Breed Archive. Please remember to read the Terms of use relating to this website. They take precedence over these rules and guidelines.
TBA is intended for real animals and not fictitious ones, or future litters. The information on any particular animal must be correct and relevant to that particular animal. It is not permitted to include advertisements or litter announcements of any kind.
It is not possible to pre-screen all the user-contributed content. Please let us know if you come across material that you feel is inappropriate under these guidelines or breaches our terms of use. Use the "Report issue" links to do so.
We cannot take responsibility for the content that our users share via The Breed Archive. However, we do reserve the right to remove any postings that disregard these guidelines or breach our Terms of use. We reserve the right to ban users who commit serious violations or offences.
Important note: Any information you provide on animals and persons is public and can be modified and distributed by others. By submitting or posting content in our community, you expressly grant The Breeds Archive the rights laid down in the Terms of use.
These guidelines may be subject to modification. Please check for updates on a regular basis.
Due to the fact that the Silken Windsprite / Longhaired Whippet breed is not yet an internationally recognised dog breed, the allowed animal entries are explicitly regulated as follows:
In principle, all entries must be registered with a club; either by their birth certificate and full pedigree or by special registration after phenotyping. In the latter case the predecessors of the dog in question may only be entered if their existence can be proven by records of a recognised club. The names of the clubs have to be listed with the particular dog entries; ideally, registration numbers should also be filled in.
Exceptions to this are ancient ancestors of the breed that may be necessary to add for reasons of completing pedigrees and calculation of inbreeding coefficients. These dogs have to be marked as 'Generation 0 (F0)' or 'Predecessor of Generation 0 (F0)'.
Another exception are crosses with Whippets which may be entered for the same reasons and, again, when they are explicitly marked as 'Generation 0 (F0)' or 'Predecessor of Generation 0 (F0)'. Such entries may only contain name, date of birth and land of birth and - if applicable - a link to the according entry on the Whippet Breed Archive. Moreover Whippet entries as predecessors of a Silken Windsprite / Longhaired Whippet may only go back five generations.
Images uploaded to TBA must not be protected by any third party copyright and must not include identifiable people (other than yourself)!
If you have images that you would like to upload to TBA, you must check that you have permission to publish them in this way. If you are not the rights owner and you do not know for certain that the photographer has been dead for 70 years, then you will need explicit permission to publish.
If you find an image on a website, please check with the site owner first before uploading the image. Remember that site owners may not own the copyright to images they make available and that you may need to make other enquiries in order to use them.
Make sure you spell names correctly.
Please apply the general rules of capitalisation in English; in titles (i.e. animals' names and kennels' or studs' names), this means capitalising:
Please do not spell the names of animals all upper or lower case due to readability reasons!
Titles are not part of an animal's name. So please do not add the titles of an animal as prefix or suffix to its registered name!
Wrong: Ch Pencloe Dutch Gold
Correct: Pencloe Dutch Gold
A number of negative side effects occur if you add titles as part of an animal's registered name. For example, the animal can then no longer be found in alphabetical listings, etc.
There are dedicated possibilities for entering animals' titles, irrespective of whether they are prefix and suffix titles.
We offer a feature that allows you to enter health information for a particular animal. This information is stored with other animal data (name, date of birth, country of birth, sire, dam, ...…) and visible to every user of the website.
Recording health issues with a particular breed is important for the future of the breed and maybe even for its survival.
Please be aware that health information is sensitive data. It may only be entered by the owner or breeder of the animal, by someone with the explicit approval and authorisation of the owner or breeder, or if it has been published previously by a reliable source. Any information of this nature must be supported by a diagnosis or test results from a legitimate veterinarian or laboratory. Without a diagnosis or test results, health data will exceptionally be accepted if there is a good and comprehensible reason for attributing certain health information to the animal.
Please behave as you would expect others to behave towards you when using The Breed Archive
We reserve the right to delete content that is in breach of our Terms of use, if necessary, without notice in order to preserve the integrity of the website.